JCB Common Rail Fuel Codes
The electronic engine control unit (ECU) and devices connected to it are distinguished by their robust construction and are basically more reliable than connecting wires and connectors.
BEFORE checking or replacing electrical devices, make sure that the appropriate wires and connectors are installed and that they are functioning properly. In many cases, electrical faults are easily fixed by identifying faulty wires,
connectors or ground points. Before performing work, it is necessary to disconnect the electrical system by disconnecting the battery. Check the relevant machine documentation for the correct procedure.
1 ELECTRICAL WIRING HARNESS - Visually inspect the connecting wires and connectors for signs of damage.
Check out the following aspects:
a Shabby wires - periodic short circuits.
b Cut wires - open circuits. A likely cause is the ingress of wires into the mechanical mechanisms of the machine.
c Broken wires - open circuits. The probable cause is incorrect laying or linking of wires without enough slack for the machine to move.
d Flamed wires - periodic short circuits. A likely cause is contact with the turbocharger or exhaust system.
2 CONNECTORS - Visually inspect the corresponding connectors. Check out the following aspects:
a Connection - Periodic short circuits. Make sure that the connectors are correctly connected and that their locking mechanisms are locked.
b Damage - intermittent open circuit or short circuit. Inspect the connectors for signs of physical damage (such as broken housings or retainer clips). Upon contact with a hot exhaust system or turbocharger, the connectors may also melt. Disconnect the connectors and inspect the pin contacts for damage (e.g., corroded, bent, or broken pin contacts). DO NOT TOUCH the pin contacts of the connector on the electronic engine control unit (ECU). Broken connectors must be replaced.
c Pollution - intermittent open circuit or short circuit. Disconnect the connectors and inspect their interior for contamination (usually water, oil, or hydraulic fluid). If necessary, clean the pin pins of the connector and the socket with a cotton swab or similar object. DO NOT TOUCH the pin contacts of the connector on the electronic engine control unit (ECU). If there are clear signs of water contamination, the connectors must be allowed to dry completely before connecting. Carefully inspect all sealing elements for signs of contamination or damage.
3 Ground Points — Locate the ground points on the engine and machine. Make sure the wire terminals are connected correctly.
Fault Codes - Structure
The structure of the DTCs, also known as Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs), has been standardized and represented by a 7-digit code for all road and off-road vehicles and vehicles. According to the standard (called J2012), all DTCs must follow the structure below.
1st character - defines the vehicle system (e.g. P = power train, C = chassis, U = network)
2nd and 3rd characters - define the subsystem (transmission, CAN network, brakes, etc.)
4th and 5th symbols - identify a specific component, circuit or fault (e.g. starter relay)
6th and 7th characters - are called “fault type bytes” (FTB) and indicate a specific fault (for example, 11 = short circuit to ground). For a complete listing, see FTB Numbers below.
Some special fault codes are defined by an international standard, while others can be determined by individual vehicle manufacturers.
Depending on the specification of the machine, there are several ways to access and display fault codes that are recorded by the engine ECU:
CAN Bus Display
The machine can be equipped with a CAN-bus based display. Such a display may show all registered codes, for example, P0047. All registered codes will be displayed. The operator may be able to erase the fault code log. For more information, see the relevant machine documentation.
Computer connected to CAN bus
Access to the registered error codes can be provided using a suitable laptop on which the appropriate diagnostic software is installed, for example, the engine diagnostic tool JCB 444 Engine Diagnostics. The computer must be connected to the machine’s CAN bus socket using a data transfer adapter (DLA).
After connecting, all registered codes can be displayed. The engineer also has the opportunity to erase the fault code log.
Fault Byte Number (FTB) Numbers
If a malfunction is detected, the computer determines the severity of the malfunction and can take measures to protect the engine or machine from potential damage.
An ECU can take one of four of the following actions:
The computer has decided that there is no direct risk to the engine or machine and that the engine is operating normally. Nevertheless, measures should be taken to rectify the malfunction as soon as possible.
Low Torque Mode:
The engine output is reduced in order to reduce the voltage and temperature of the engine, and to minimize its damage. Machines should be stopped at the earliest opportunity to prevent further damage.
Emergency mode of movement to the place of repair work:
Engine output is limited and engine speed is reduced to reduce engine voltage and temperature, and to minimize damage to the engine. Stop the machine as soon as possible to prevent further damage.
Engine muffling / delayed engine muffling
The engine control unit automatically shuts off the engine to prevent an impending failure.
Fault Codes - Numeric List
• Click on the DTC to go to the specific device information and troubleshooting procedure.
P0001 The control circuit of the fuel volume regulator is open
P0002 Range / Performance of the fuel volume regulator control circuit
P0003 Low signal of the control circuit of the fuel volume regulator
P0004 High signal volume control circuit of the fuel volume regulator
P0016 Relationship between the position of the crankshaft and the position of the camshaft
P0087 Too low pressure in the fuel line / system
P0088 Too high pressure in the fuel line / system
P0089 Fuel Pressure Regulator 1 Performance
P0090 The control circuit of the fuel pressure regulator 1 is open
P0091 Low signal control circuit of the fuel pressure regulator 1
P0092 High signal of the control circuit of the fuel pressure regulator 1
P0095 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit
P0096 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Range / Performance
P0097 Low signal circuit intake air temperature sensor 2
P0098 High Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit
P0099 Intermittent / erratic intake air temperature sensor 2 circuit
P0105 Manifold Absolute Pressure / Barometric Pressure Circuit
P0106 Range / Performance of the manifold absolute pressure / barometric pressure circuit
P0110 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit
P0111 Low signal circuit intake air temperature sensor 1
P0124 High signal circuit intake air temperature sensor 1
P0113 High signal circuit intake air temperature sensor 1
P0115 Circuit 1, engine coolant temperature sensor
P0116 Range / Performance of circuit 1 of the coolant temperature sensor
P0117 Low signal circuit 1 of the engine coolant temperature sensor
P0118 High signal circuit 1 temperature sensor engine coolant
P0120 Throttle / Pedal Position Sensor / Switch A Circuit
P0121 Range / Performance of “A” Sensor / Throttle / Pedal Position Switch
P0180 Circuit "A" fuel temperature sensor
P0181 Range / Performance of the fuel temperature sensor circuit "A"
P0182 Low signal circuit A "fuel temperature sensor
P0183 High signal circuit "A" fuel temperature sensor
P0190 Circuit "A" of the fuel pressure sensor in the highway
P0191 Range / Performance of circuit “A” of the fuel pressure sensor in the line
P0192 Low signal circuit "A" of the fuel pressure sensor in the highway
P0193 High signal circuit "A" of the fuel pressure sensor in the highway
P0194 Intermittent / unstable signal of the circuit "A" of the fuel pressure sensor in the highway
P0200 Injector circuit open
P0201 Injector circuit open - 1st cylinder
P0202 Injector circuit open - 2nd cylinder
P0203 Injector circuit open - 3rd cylinder
P0204 Injector circuit open - 4th cylinder
P0205 Injector circuit open - 5th cylinder
P0206 Injector circuit open - 6th cylinder
P0218 Transmission Fluid Over Temperature
P0220 Circuit "B" of the sensor / switch throttle / pedal position
P0236 Range / Performance of circuit “A” of turbocharger / supercharger boost sensor
P0252 Range / Performance "A" of the fuel pump fuel meter (cam / rotor / injector)
P0253 Low signal “A” of the fuel metering device of the high pressure fuel pump
(camshaft / rotor / injector)
P0254 High signal "A" fuel metering pump fuel (cam / rotor / injector)
P0261 Low signal of the injector circuit of the 1st cylinder
P0262 High signal injector circuit 1 cylinder
P0263 Deposit / balancing of the 1st cylinder
P0264 Low signal of the injector circuit of the 2nd cylinder
P0265 High signal circuit injector 2nd cylinder
P0266 contribution / balancing of the 2nd cylinder
P0267 Low signal of the injector circuit of the 3rd cylinder
P0268 High signal circuit injector 3rd cylinder
P0269 Contribution / balancing of the 3rd cylinder
P0270 Injector 4 Low Signal
P0271 High signal injector circuit 4th cylinder
P0272 Deposit / balancing of the 4th cylinder
P0273 Low signal of the injector circuit of the 5th cylinder
P0274 High signal injector circuit 5th cylinder
P0275 Contribution / balancing of the 6th cylinder
P0276 Low signal of the injector circuit of the 6th cylinder
P0277 High signal circuit injector 6th cylinder
P0278 Contribution / balancing of the 6th cylinder
P029A The balancing of the 1st cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P029B The balancing of the 1st cylinder by fuel production is at the minimum limit
P029E The balancing of the 2nd cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P029F The balancing of the 2nd cylinder by fuel production is at the minimum limit
P02A2 The balancing of the 3rd cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P02A3 The balancing of the 3rd cylinder by fuel production is at the minimum limit
P02A6 Balancing of the 4th cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P02A7 Balancing of the 4th cylinder with fuel production is at the minimum limit
P02A8 Balancing of the 5th cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P02A9 Balancing of the 5th cylinder by fuel production is at the minimum limit
P02A10 The balancing of the 6th cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P02A11 The balancing of the 6th cylinder by fuel production is at the minimum limit
P02EE Range 1 / Injector Circuit Performance
P02EF Range / Performance of the Injector Chain of the 2nd Cylinder
P02F0 Range / Performance of the injector circuit of the 3rd cylinder
P02F1 Range / Performance 4 Injector Circuit
P02F2 Range / Performance 5th Injector Circuit
P02F3 Range / Performance 6th Injector Circuit
P0335 Circuit "A" crankshaft position sensor
P0340 Circuit "A" camshaft position sensor
P0341 Range / Performance of the camshaft position sensor circuit "A"
P0371 Excessive number of pulses "A" signal high-resolution time stamps
P0372 Too low number of pulses "A" signal high-resolution time stamps
P0374 No pulse "A" signal high-resolution time stamps
P0500 "A" vehicle speed sensor
P0501 Range / Performance "A" of the vehicle speed sensor
P0503 Intermittent / unstable / high signal "A" of the vehicle speed sensor
P0520 Low oil pressure warning light control circuit
P0521 Range / Performance of the engine oil pressure sensor / switch
P0522 High oil pressure
P0523 Low oil pressure
P0560 System Voltage
P0562 System Low Voltage
P0563 System High Voltage
P0566 Signal "off" ("Off") cruise control
P0567 Cruise Control Resume Signal
P0569 Cruise control “Coast” signal
P0570 Cruise Control Accelerate Signal
P0575 Cruise Control Input Circuit
P0602 Control Module Programming Error
P0603 Standby memory error (CAM) of the internal control module
P0604 RAM error (RAM) of the internal control module
P0605 Read-only memory error (ROM) of the internal control module
P0606 Functional malfunction of the security system
P0607 Functional malfunction of the security system
P060A Functional Security Malfunction
P060B Functional malfunction of the security system
P0612 Control circuit of the engine speed relay
P0615 Starter Relay Circuit
P0616 Starter Relay Circuit Low
P0617 Starter Relay Circuit High
P061B Functional malfunction of the security system
P061C Functional malfunction of the security system
P061E Functional malfunction of the security system
P0627 Global Fuel Pump Malfunction - Open Circuit
P0628 Global fuel pump malfunction - short to ground
P0629 Global fuel pump malfunction - short to battery
P062B Functional malfunction of the security system
P062D Fuel Injector Control Circuit Performance
P062E Fuel Injector Control Performance
P062F EEPROM error of the internal control module
P0630 VIN code not programmed or incompatible - ECM / PCM
P0641 Circuit "A" of the reference voltage of the sensor is open
P0650 Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) Control Circuit
P0651 Circuit "B" of the reference voltage of the sensor is open
P0655 Malfunction of the engine test indicator light (CEL)
P0656 output circuit of the fuel level sensor
P0668 PCM / ECM / TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit A Low
P0669 High signal circuit "A" internal temperature sensor PCM / ECM / TCM
P0685 ECM / PCM power relay control circuit open
P0697 Circuit "C" of the reference voltage of the sensor is open
P1101 Positive malfunction of a pressure control error in the line
P1102 Negative malfunction of a pressure control error in the line
P1103 Malfunction of pressure in the line
P1104 Injector Update Failure
P1105 Injector Update Failure
P1106 Injector Update Failure
P1107 Injector Update Failure
P1108 Injector Update Failure
P1109 Injector Update Failure
P110A Injector Update Failure
P110B Injector Update Failure
P1500 Faulty foot choke / pedal - emergency mode of movement to the place of repair work
P1501 Foot Choke / Pedal Failure - Low Torque
P1503 Faulty hand throttle - emergency mode of movement to the venue
repair work
P1504 Manual Throttle Malfunction - Low Torque
P1506 Global Throttle / Pedal Failure - Emergency Travel Mode
repair work
P1509 CAN bus communication error with TSC
P1602 Global Starter Relay Control Circuit
P1603 Functional malfunction of the security system
P1604 Functional malfunction of the security system
P1605 Functional malfunction of the security system
P1606 Functional malfunction of the security system
P2120 Fault channel 1 signal hand pedal
P2125 Malfunction of channel 2 of a signal of a manual pedal
P2135 "A" / "B" Voltage Matching of Throttle / Pedal Position Sensor / Switch
P2138 Hand pedal signal mapping failure
P2147 Malfunction (cutoff) of the injector voltage source
P2148 Malfunction (cutoff) of the injector voltage source
P2226 Chain "A" of the barometric pressure sensor
P2228 Low signal circuit "A" barometric pressure sensor
P2229 High signal circuit "A" barometric pressure sensor
P2264 Sensor circuit for water in the fuel
P2265 Range / Performance of the fuel water sensor circuit
P2266 Low fuel water sensor circuit signal
P2267 High fuel water sensor circuit signal
P2269 State of water in the fuel
P250B Range / Performance Engine Oil Level Sensor Circuit
P256A Idling Sensor / Switch Circuit
P256B Range / Performance Sensor / Switch Selector Speed
engine idling
P256C Engine Idle Selector Sensor / Switch Low
P256D High Idle Sensor / Selector Speed Sensor Signal
U0001 High speed CAN data bus
U0073 Bus A of the control module data transmission is off
U0100 Communication failure with ECM / PCM "A"
U0121 Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module
U0401 Invalid data received from ECM / PCM "A"
U3FFF DTC SAE does not exist - specific manufacturer data required
Hovsep ur (Thursday, 06 June 2024 20:18)
Code D108
guru (Tuesday, 26 December 2023 19:22)
code shows B1555-68 means what and how to clear it.
Mahesh (Tuesday, 21 November 2023 16:12)
Hydraulic function slowe code 1215-12
Kevin (Friday, 27 October 2023 11:32)
Deko (Wednesday, 18 October 2023 07:46)
Jcb ecomax muncul code e03 bisa di gas.
Ricky Elliott (Thursday, 10 August 2023 18:26)
hi i have 4 codes, first one is P0685, P0641,P0651 and P0697
Dunc (Saturday, 05 August 2023 23:09)
HELP! I’ve a 260T giving fault codes E408 & C543
All functions work, engine speed will not increase above idle.
Rose (Monday, 31 July 2023 01:09)
Jcb shows wif what's it mean
Mark Egel (Wednesday, 26 July 2023 09:29)
Have the error code B100C-64 on a JCB 320s and the extension boom isn't extending
Darren Dicks (Thursday, 13 July 2023 22:48)
Have error code E 14 on a JCB 6T ST, occasionally keeps Park Brake light on after releasing handle and machine wont' drive.
Abdullah (Sunday, 21 May 2023 02:59)
Error code C131A-64
Graham (Monday, 15 May 2023 09:14)
Our JCB telehandler won't start and the error code is P0003-18 so is this fuel related ?
Brad (Thursday, 20 April 2023 15:33)
JCB 270 with 42 hrs
Codes U1055 and U1059
No movement to wheels
Bucket joystick function is ok (Sunday, 16 April 2023 09:19)
JCB 7230
Hydraulic system has become inactive
Fault codes:Y0021
mike (Wednesday, 15 March 2023 16:01)
JCB 525.60 2018 model
Engine turns won’t start
Bayden (Sunday, 12 March 2023 22:33)
Hello, we have JCB 541-70 displaying a crazy full screen beeping dash that says RHC BOOT. This intermittent fault also cuts the fuel system.
We need help.
Rob (Sunday, 19 February 2023 01:45)
I have a job 525-60 with fault code p582 what is this
Nick (Thursday, 29 December 2022 11:29)
JCB 525.60 2018 model
Engine turns won’t start
Mikael (Thursday, 15 December 2022 08:37)
P09F5-29?????? Jcb 409 2020
Zo (Tuesday, 13 December 2022 23:41)
Hidrodig c1649-2F
Jesse (Saturday, 05 November 2022 01:45)
We have a 436 zx wheel loader displaying a RL and FL transmission code. Anybody shed any light on this for me? Thanks.
Richard (Monday, 24 October 2022 12:21)
Po937-87 fault code on a jcb 427
James (Monday, 24 October 2022 08:55)
I have a telehandler jcb 541-70
I have a warning code stop now
Can anyone help thanks
Dragan (Monday, 05 September 2022 16:59)
B2621-12. Ode on JCB z-1.
What IT means?
John Maher (Wednesday, 24 August 2022 23:11)
JCB 320S
Error code: E1001-68
Leon (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:47)
I have a JCB 150T tracked loader. Alarms with error code C385 and clears shortly after starting.
What is C385 error code?
Mohammed Alamgir (Thursday, 02 June 2022 21:06)
JCB excavator js220
Dorel (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 10:58)
Please, I have error code on
JCB 457 C10E3-2A?
Yash joshi (Thursday, 14 April 2022 15:54)
B 1209-16
LOIC (Sunday, 27 March 2022 11:54)
Mirza (Wednesday, 02 March 2022 11:48)
Please, I have error code on JCB 4cx 2015 year
Reagent tank level data mising
Shaun Brose (Monday, 28 February 2022 05:44)
My loader is hot alarm says stop now codes doo6 and doo4 it’s a 535.95
Jcb3cxeco (Sunday, 30 January 2022 22:42)
cesar angel caceres (Thursday, 20 January 2022 13:19)
Hola tengo el siguiente codigo de error D002, de un manipulador 540-170, si me pueden ayudar. Gracias
lincoln (Friday, 14 January 2022 06:02)
Lun gangte (Friday, 07 January 2022 06:27)
I have erff and err3 error code in my jcb 3dx super easy shift
Mark Graves (Thursday, 18 November 2021 09:47)
I have the following error code: C103A-13
On a JCB 457 ZX Loading Shovel.
marcel (Friday, 29 October 2021 10:43)
I have the code b2622-13 on jcb 55z-1.
what sensor is it about, because an error occurs on the load, but the traction is also blocked ? where the answers are displayed ???? my mail
VIKASH KUMAR SINGH (Monday, 04 October 2021 09:36)
In js 50z here a code flashing.
B2608-62 & B2615-13.
If possible please send me circuits related to this
Jawid (Thursday, 19 August 2021 19:02)
I have a JCB T4F 444
It give this:
Active Faults
Unknown fault, reference SPN and FMI values
2 0CC 521459 SPN
Cory (Friday, 13 August 2021 21:14)
I have a jcb 444 TA4-5512 in a 6" Godwin pump that is throwing a 1485 code.
Anil Sharma (Tuesday, 10 August 2021 11:06)
Lajos Varga (Friday, 02 July 2021 12:53)
Hello!I have an error code P2732-13 and I don't know what it means.Can you help me?
Jamie (Monday, 24 May 2021 19:47)
I have the following fault on a 525-60. When driving and lifting boom (sometimes steering) high revs drop off and get the error code p1221
Peter (Wednesday, 19 May 2021 03:39)
I have the following message on a 540-140 telehandler
can you help?
Di (Tuesday, 11 May 2021 00:19)
I have the code b2622-13 on my jcb 48z-1.
I cant find this code any where in the manual. Can you shine any light
Ken (Saturday, 24 April 2021 05:28)
Having issues with fastback 7130. Coming up with error codes P0435 , P0173 and P0183. Won't engage transmission. Also having blacklisting issues with deck screen.
Mick (Wednesday, 21 April 2021 22:28)
Hi our machine is constantly displaying this code B2624-13 it will move for about 4 metres then cuts out. The display button for on /off power overload lights up which goes off when we press another button then stops tracking after 4 m ish. We have never lifted anything with it do are confused one of the operators has removed the manual so nothing to refer to
Lucian Dumitru (Monday, 12 April 2021 08:37)
Am si eu o problema cu un excavator jcb220LC a apărut eroarea C1317 ce poate fi va multumesc
Paul (Friday, 02 April 2021 20:11)
JCB 160W
Code C1321
Alarm sounding